Squeaky's Trip Review

Post date: Mar 25, 2013 11:51:18 AM

*From the desk of Squeaky*

The trip was pretty good, but it definitely could have been better. We only had three junior leaders at the recent trip, which made it quite hard on Tage,Taylor and I. Aside from that note, the trip was still pretty good. We had Robert Landi and the Dragon's win the Golden Skillet, and we had Andy Grassia and the Griffins win the camp inspection. If there is one thing to work on in my perspective is Fire Building. We were off of schedule for almost everything because of fires and meals. Overall, I think the trip was ok. (You guys should ask me at the next meeting what you can improve on, cause you all can improve on something.) Happy Reading this over, cause I am positive that some of you will read it over. See ya!

Keep on Squeakin :D