6-17-15 Meeting Notes
Post date: Jun 20, 2015 12:33:37 AM
-Contrary to popular belief, this was not the last meeting. The last troop meeting will be next week on June 24.
-Had a discussion on the merit badge process. Presentation covered what merit badges are, how to complete one, and blue cards. More information can be found under the Documents Tab in the file labeled "Merit Badge Process."
-Had a Q&A session concerning Forestburg such as what gear is appropriate to bring and what to expect.
-Thomas Blaine's Eagle Project will take place on Saturday, June 20th from 9-4pm at Collier Youth Services. Contact him for more information if you intend on helping out.
-Merit badge forms for Forestburg are officially closed. You can view what merit badges you are going to take in an email. To make changes, you must go down to Dan Lodge during Forestburg.