Scoutmaster Message Nov 2018

Post date: Nov 10, 2018 10:17:3 PM

Scoutmaster’s Message

Date: 11/10/2018

November Camping Trip

This month we will be going to Camp Citta in Barnegat, NJ. The Scouts will be working on different skills required for the Annual Klondike Derby and of course also required for advancement. This is a somewhat annual trip we like to take in November which will also include our fryfest. The adults will be cooking fried turkeys and we invite the scouts to bring different food items they would like to fry and sample. Please sign up at

Food Drive

Thank you for your participation in the annual Scouting for Food program. The Troop collected over 200 items, but our coordinator Mr. Mulvey thinks we can do better. So we’ve extended the deadline. Please continue to collect those non-perishable food items and bring them to our meeting on November 14th.


The annual dues and rechartering letter has been set out and the deadline is this November 28th in preparation of our annual rechartering process with the National Boy Scouts of America. The cost is only $80 per scout and $50 for the adult leaders. This year we have also instituted a Troop 66 Code of Conduct which should also be submitted by the end of the month. Please see the troop email for more information and copies of the forms.

Happy Thanksgiving

Reminder that there is NO meeting on Wednesday, November 21st for the Thanksgiving Holiday.


I am proud to say that we have an excellent array of Scout Leaders, and Troop 66 is truly “Scout Led”.

SPL- Thomas F.

ASPL of Leadership- TJ P.

ASPL for Advancement- Patrick M.

Patrol Leaders- Ben M., Sean Palmer, Logan G., Evan D. & Dean C.

Bugler- Ryan S.

Chaplain Aide- Brendan C.

Historian- Pierce G.

Librarian- Aiden L.

OA Rep- Ryan P.

Quartermaster- Ryan S.

Scribe- Ryan K.

Troop Guides- Matt G., Eli G., Theo M., Jason F.

Webmaster- Dean C.

Food Drive- James O.

JASM- Kyle M.

Youth Protection Training

Beside the adult leaders of the Troop, we have always required that any male adult relative who wish to camp with Troop 66 must take the BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT). This must be done every year. In conjunction with that, we are now also encouraging all parents to also take YPT. This will give you a better understanding of the rules and policies that everyone must follow. Further, the new policy requires that all texts and emails to/from a scout, must also include another adult leader/parent. Please remember to follow this simple policy to protect both the scouts and the adults.

If you wish to take the YPT, please visit

Uniform Exchange Box

Please remember that the troop now has a Uniform Exchange Box that will be put out during meetings. Scouts are welcome to take or donate any uniform shirts, uniform pants/shorts, along with Class B shirts and sweatshirts.

Eagle Scouts

Finally I would like to congratulate our two newest Troop 66 Eagle Scouts!

Adam G. on September 19th

Chris M. on October 24th